- Definition and function of cookies:

what are cookies? A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your browser when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user.
Thanks to cookies on fgmatic.com you can shop online, see the prices of your specific store, and enjoy an advanced user experience.
fgmatic.com never shares personal data with third party companies. All information collected on the website is used to provide better service to visitors.

- Cookie Revocation and Removal (BY BROWSER):

Please note that using the website www.fgmatic.com with cookies disabled may cause the website to not function properly, and in certain areas may give errors.

- what types of cookies does www.fgmatic.com use?



_utma This randomly generated number is used to determine unique visitors to our site
_utmb This randomly generated number works with _utmc to calculate the average amount of time users spend on our site
_utmc This randomly generated number works with _utmb to calculate the average time users spend on our site
_utmz This is a randomly generated number and information about how a site was reached (e.g. directly or through a link, organic or paid search)
date_add The date and time the cookie was created (in the format YYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
id_lang The ID of the selected language.
id_currency The ID of the selected currency.
last_visited_category The identifier of the last visited category of the product ads.
ajax_blockcart_display Whether the shopping block is being "collapsed" or "displayed".
viewed The IDs of the products viewed as a comma-separated list.
id_wishlist The ID of the current list displayed in your list block.
id_guest The visitor's customer ID when not authenticated
id_connections The connection ID of the visitor's current session
id_customer The customer ID of the visitor when authenticated
customer_lastname The customer's last name.
customer_firstname The customer's first name
logged If the customer is logged in
passwd The MD5 hash of the _COOKIE_KEY_ in config / settings.inc.php and the password the customer uses to log on
email The email address the customer uses to log in
cart_id The ID of the current cart displayed in the shopping block.
date_add The date and time the cookie was created (in the format YYYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS).
id_lang The ID of the selected language.
id_employee The ID of the employee.
lastname The last name of the employee.
firstname The employee's first name.
email profile The email address the employee uses to log in
profile The profile ID that determines which tabs the employee can access.
passwd The MD5 hash of the _COOKIE_KEY_ in config / settings.inc.php and the password the employee uses to log in
checksum "The Blowfish checksum is used to determine if the cookie has been modified by a third party .If the checksum does not match, the client will be logged out and the cookie will be deleted. "